Saturday, August 29, 2009

Wine Tasting and Heading Home (Day 5)

On our last day, Al and Hisako watched the Wee Beasties so that Dave and I could go with Amy, Paolo and some of their friends to go wine tasting. It was delicious and fun! That area is truly beautiful and I would love to go back just to wine taste.

Amy and Paolo's Wedding! (Day 4)

And then it was time for the main event. Amaya was totally in her element as flower girl, Tyson, well he was being a tiny tyrant, but he was happy when danicing began. The wedding was great!

Sonoma Train Town (day 4)

Dave and I decided to take the kids to Train Town before the wedding, the kids had fun and Amaya was so brave and rode the rollarcoaster and of course wanted it to be longer and go faster, she went two times.

Wedding Rehersal and Lunch (day 3)

Lots of fun and great food and friends!